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Wearing of Facemasks at Airports and on Aircraft

January 16, 2021

Wearing of Facemasks at Airports and on Aircraft

 Customers / Clients traveling with My Getaway Driver should ensure that they have ample supplies of Face Masks to comply with the following current legislative laws  

Wearing of Face masks at Perth Airport Terminals and on Aircraft

  To continue keeping WA safe, wearing a face mask is now mandatory in Western Australia while:
  • at an airport
  • travelling on aircraft
  • transporting a person subject to a quarantine direction (e.g. in a personal vehicle, private car, hired car, ride-share vehicle or taxi) ** Webliink to Gov WA Notice **
Airports and air travel can present an increased risk of COVID-19 transmission, and wearing face masks is effective in helping to prevent this. Where a person, subject to a quarantine direction, needs to engage in transport services, all people in the vehicle (including the driver) are required to wear a face mask. This includes private, hired, taxi and rideshare vehicles that may be used to travel from:
  • the airport to their suitable premises for self-quarantine, or
  • their place of self-quarantine to a COVID Clinic to present for their Day 11 COVID-19 test.
Children aged 12 years and under do not need to wear a face mask. Penalties up to $50,000 and $250,000 bodies corporate may apply for people who fail to comply with this requirement. ** Link to EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ACT 2005 ( WA ) Section 72A AIRPORT AND TRANSPORTATION ( FACE MASK ) DIRECTIONS **   Weblink to = ^^How to put on and take off your face mask**

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